Friday, July 29, 2011

Birth Announcement

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Things I Know

Time sure flies, there's no doubt about that.  Now, baby Elliott is nearing her 3rd week in this world, and I am absolutely amazed.  I can't believe she is getting so big and so personable.  She looks at me now, and her Daddy with utter amusement, smiling here and there, not to mention she smiles when she poops and you're holding her.  I've been lucky enough to catch some of the smiles on camera and lucky enough to not catch any poop on my clothes.  I have, however, been peed on and thrown up on, both of which are likely not stopping anytime soon.  I can only hope that Scott gets to experience this as some point.

I took my chance at taking newborn photos by myself - would I do it again, yes...I suppose I would, considering I think they turned out pretty darn good.  Note to self, if you want pictures of your newborn outside, don't have a baby in Arizona in July.  Here's one of my favorite shots (after which she peed all over the blanket):

I have some super awesome editing software that makes the photo look semi-professional, it's all a matter of catching the right smile.  I think I may look into a photography class sometime in the near future to occupy my time as a stay at home mom.  If you like what you see - check out to see how you can get your own.

There are some things that I've noticed about baby E in her first few weeks of life:

-She hates her pacifier, except when there's nothing else to do but hold her and try and keep her calm, even then, she spits it out.  This is a good thing, since I hate pacifiers too.

-Her witching hour(s) last about 2 hours total and usually occurs at or around 10pm.  After which, she sleeps about 4-5 hours.  The witching hour(s) is(are) not a myth.  It does exist.

-She has her Daddy's feet.

-And his tree trunk legs.

-She has my lips.

-She is a perfect mix of the both of us, she has a very calm temperament and she is one of the easiest babies to take care of.

-She is growing like a weed and is an eating machine.

-She loves Mom's milk and she's getting plenty of it.  I should have named her Chunk, she does a pretty darn good Truffle Shuffle after she eats.

-She now weighs well over 8lbs and has grown over an inch since she was born.

Things that I've noticed about myself:

-I can function on 2 hours of sleep.

-I can produce enough milk to feed a cow, and my Mom should have named me Bessie.

-I hope that she has Daddy's eyes, since I melt each time I look into his, it would be better to see them on her too.

-I'm sad that Elliott won't be my little girl for very much longer.

-My heart melts every time she grabs my hand.

-We have one sweet baby girl.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Week 1


Those three little letters sum up the slew of emotions that I've had over the last 8 days.  Really, these last 8 days have gone by so fast and I don't even know where time has gone.  Baby Elliott Mae Scheider was born last Friday, July 8th at 12:34pm, weighing in 1 week early at a whopping 8lbs, 20inches.  Needless to say, Maternal Instinct won out in the end.  Even to the minute of delivery, when my Doctor asked as she was pulling her out "Dad, what did you say?" and he replied eagerly "BOY!" and then she asked me and said "Mom, what did you say?" and I replied sternly, "GIRL."  She then said, "Well, Mom wins."  That's when Scott and I lost it.  I saw the tears well up in his eyes and I thought that the Doctor was lying to me.  I simply said "Really?" and Scott simply said,  "She's perfect."  And our lives changed forever.

I should have listened to my friend's advice regarding recovery from a C-section.  Take. It. Slow. (Thanks, Robyn), but alas, I did not and hindered my recovery a few days by working myself and my body into pure exhaustion.  But, oh well.  Needless to say, I am now off a clear liquid diet, keeping down my meals, eating a nice, balanced diet so I can provide for the little one (which could be a whole other blog entry in itself!).  I won't go into the details of the delivery, or the narcotics that were needed the first 4 days.  In the end, Scott and I were blessed with a perfect little bundle.

She sleeps about 4-5 hours at a time (I know, right?) and is growing like a weed.  I can't wait to work up the energy to take some pictures to share with you....but for now, I will leave you with this one.  It's my favorite so far.

Enjoy the new blog and the adventures of the first few weeks/months/years!

Friday, July 8, 2011

5 Hours

I can't believe the day is here (for the most part I don't think this little one has turned) and in 5 hours, I'll be in surgery to give birth to the true Wonder of this blog.  Whether it's a boy or a girl, I'll love it either way and I will keep the promise that I gave on day 1 that I will love it unconditionally for the rest of it's life, no matter what happens.  For those of you who continuously ask me if I'm excited, I think I can finally answer yes to this question.  I'm excited to see the little munchkin for the first time and hear it sigh as it rests on my chest after leaving my womb.  I'm excited to nuzzle it, I'm excited to see it's baby blue eyes and I'm excited to see Scott melt when he holds them for the first time.  I'm excited to put a face and a name to the cause for my pelvic pain, hourly trips to the bathroom, cheeseburger cravings, and rib pain.  I'm excited to be a Mom and to start a new chapter in our blog.  I hope you continue to read as our lives expand and I experience Motherhood for the first time.

I guess it wouldn't be fair if I didn't end this part of our blog journey, especially since Scott has determined that I've officially swayed the pool for it to be a girl.  But, he's wrong.  I'm just saving the last few for him so now, he can relish in the fact that the old hags think that I'm having a boy.  So - at the baby shower, we did quite a few OWTs, I just haven't posted them to throw off Scott.  All but one of them said we'r e having a boy.  I've already explained about the napkin and the key, so I'll list the other ones so there are no "discrepancies" in the blog.  So, here goes -

If you tie a string to Mom's wedding ring and place it over her belly and you see it go head to toe in a  line, you're having a GIRL and if you see it go hip to hip, you are having a BOY.   This one went to the GIRL.

If you place 2 pillows on chairs, one with a fork and one with a spoon underneath it and you have Mom sit on one of the pillows.  If Mom sits on the pillow with the Spoon, she is having a BOY and if she sits on the pillow with the Fork, she is having a GIRL.  My Mom always said the baby would have a silver spoon up it's you know what and she was right...his one went to the BOY.

If you shake salt in Mom's hair, according to Romanian folklore, you will see Mom start to itch.  If she itches her nose, it's a BOY and if she itches her lip, it's a GIRL.  I went straight for the nose.  BOY.

GIRL - 19
BOY - 19

I'll throw in a tie breaker.  Since we didn't open presents at the shower and we waited until we came home, only a few people saw this one happen.  I'm a pretty impatient person, so when it comes to opening gifts, I just can't wait - which is the tell tale sign that I'm having a BOY.  If the Mom takes her time, it's a GIRL.  So, no tie here...

GIRL - 19
BOY - 20

Popular vote - BOY

GIRL - 19
BOY - 21

Maternal instinct - GIRL

GIRL - 20
BOY - 21

Thanks to all who had a part in this blog and have enjoyed reading so far...I've enjoyed sharing this part of my life and this wonder with you all and I can't believe the day is finally here.  Lots of love and thank you for all of your prayers and support.  Scott and I appreciate it and we are so blessed that you will all be a part of little baby Scheider's life.

Friday, July 1, 2011

7 Days

I'm better now.  I'm officially off duty at the hospital since the MD and I don't want to go into premature labor and have early rupture of all the goodness that's going to explode out next one week.  We'd like to prevent any chance of an emergency C-section if at all possible.  However, I'm still teaching and some of my friends think I'm crazy, keeps my mind off of how our lives are going to change in 7 days.  It's amazing, people keep asking me..."aren't you hot?"  "Aren't you ready?"  "Aren't you glad that you aren't going to be pregnant for the rest of the summer?"  I simply reply - "yes, I'm hot, aren't you, it's 117 degrees outside." "No, I'm prepared - I don't think you can ever be ready for something like this." and finally, "yes."  I can't say that I want my pregnancy to be over at this point, I think that despite how uncomfortable it is to have a 7lb baby swinging from your ribcage on a minutely basis, I'm going to miss it.  I'm going to miss the comfort of knowing that this little one is safe inside my belly and nothing can harm it, even if I'm overheating to a core temperature of 150degrees.  I'm going to miss the hiccups and the monumental movements that make me shutter and wake in the middle of the night.  I may even miss the hourly trips to the bathroom.  Probably not.  I don't think I'm ready for this, but what's even sweeter to know, is that I don't think that the world is ready for the next Scheider.  Watch out world, it's on the way and it's a mere 7 days away.

7 days from now, I will be packing a bag and going to the hospital.  7 days from now, I will be holding my husband's hand while the doctor tries to get that stubborn little baby out, butt first.  7 days from now, I will be holding my future.  It's a pretty radical thought if you ask me.  But ask me again in 6 days...and we'll see how excited I am...or nervous for this life changing event.

I can't wait to snuggle the little one though and melt when I look into their eyes.