Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Three is a great number.  It's the number of people in my family (excluding doggies),  Baby E has now been on three plane rides since she has been born and we have three weeks until a big move.  For some people, they don't even go on three plane rides in their life time.  Yes, three.  Why three you ask?  One of the plane flights was a one-way ticket to our new home, Denver, Colorado.  Yes, we have moved.  It's pretty nice to have weather that is half the temperature of that in the last place that you lived (it's a blustery 57 degrees outside, where as in Phoenix, it was 114).

Currently we are living with Scott's parents in their basement (insert jealous glares here) and waiting to close on a house.  We did have a house before we came, but things fell through and now, we have just accepted a counteroffer on a different house (one we both like better, so it worked out).

So, three weeks until we move into our new house.  I will post some pictures of our new adventures when I get a chance as my house basement room is in shambles.

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