Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 16

Scott and I went to see our favorite person on Monday - Dr. Sodoma!  She's our loving and very sarcastic OB-GYN.  She told us that the baby seems to be doing fine, I am growing appropriately and that we will be able to have our ultrasound in about a month (when I'm 20/21 weeks).  She took the doppler, placed it on the right side of my belly and clear as an Arizona day, there it was..."woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh."  Probably one of the best sounds that I have ever heard in my entire life.  It solidified the fact that there was something inside of my belly and the melon shaped protrusion coming out of my abdomen was really growing a tiny little person in there (or, at least something with a heartbeat).  Dr. Sodoma then asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby when we went to get the ultrasound next month and Scott promptly stated "NO!"  Dr. Sodoma looked at him, then she looked at me, and then she looked at him again and said, "Really?  You are going to make me wait another 25 weeks to find out what you guys are having?  You're crazy!"  I then explained to her about this blog and she said, you'll probably come out 50/50 - but it's going to be interesting.  And then she looked at both of us with our giant smiles on our face and said "You're crazy."  With that being said, Scott pulled out his magic phone and googled this week's OWT.

A heart rate of under 140 beats per minute signals that a boy is to arrive and a heart rate of over 140 signals a girl is to arrive.

Since the baby's heart rate was a high 150 (but still completely normal), this tells us that we are having a GIRL.

Boy - 4
Girl  - 4

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